The maravipos t and the africaglobalvillage(AGV) is inviting readers to set up profile pages packed with personal details. Like Twitter, you can follow other iReporters, MARAVIPOST reporters and interest-based groups, and like the maravipost and AGV facebook pages, a newsfeed provides a stream of updates. Like Foursquare, your profiles will be rewarded with badges awarded for being an active iReporter for either the africaglobalvillage or the maravipost. It's to keep people coming back, and also a way to promote your blog. We are encouraging our Malawi and Africa Global ireporters to set the trend of news in Africa and Malawi. BBC or New york times has a different audience in mind. We are reporting for Africa
Africa Mudzi Wathu (africa our Village) plans to be a community of bloggers and part time writers around the world who work together to bring you reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media.