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Tanzania - Malawi, Tanzania Lock Horns Over Lake

Tanzania - Malawi, Tanzania Lock Horns Over Lake BLANTYRE, Malawi — Malawi and Tanzania are expected to hold a high level meeting August 20 on their standoff over oil and gas exploration in and ownership of Lake Malawi. The body of water - also known as Lake Nyasa in Tanzania - is the third-largest fresh water resource in Africa. The dispute escalated last year when Malawi’s late president Bingu wa Mutharika granted British company Surestream Petroleum rights to explore the lake for oil and gas. Surestream is currently conducting an environmental impact assessment.

Malawi - Kitwete bluffing! Fed up, Malawi suspends talks with Tanzania as border spat reaches 'next level'

Malawi - Kitwete bluffing! Fed up, Malawi suspends talks with Tanzania as border spat reaches 'next level' [B]BLANTYRE[/B]--Malawi President Joyce Banda has announced that Malawi was suspending dialogue with its northern neighbour Tanzania over the border dispute because the issue has gone "to the next level". "It's now a big issue," Banda told a news conference Tuesday on arrival in Lilongwe from New York where she made her maiden appearance at the United nations. "We wrote a letter to Tanzania protesting while at the United Nations."